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Protect your privacy with Spy Trasher, the #1 spyware removal solution. Don't be victimized by dangerous and unwanted spyware, identify and remove infestations using our Safe, Simple and Secure technology. Discover for FREE how many infestations you have on your PC.


Have you struggled to remember to do something, capture an idea or organize all those important numbers? What happens when you cross a classic yellow sticky notes with your computer? Discover Screenotes - the intelligent yellow note solution designed for your PC!

StartUp Manager

Stop taking coffee breaks while you wait for your computer to load Windows. Use StartUp Manager to convince your computer to load lightning fast - and kill annoying and dangerous spyware programs before they start. StartUp Manager will stop your twiddling thumbs once and for all.

Junk Remover

Make room on your hard drive and speed up your PC by getting rid of "junk files" that are only wasting space. Use this top of the line "maid-service" to clean your computer of unneeded files that are making your computer run slower.

1Click Net Xcelerator

1Click NetXcelerator -.1 Click Net Xcelerator will increase your Internet connection by up to 25%, even if you are using broadband or dial-up, by tweaking secret settings in Windows Me/98/95/ 2000/XP, such as: optimizing connection performance, control access of Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and many more.

1Click Win Xcelerator

The main reason for sluggish performance is low available Memory. You could go out and buy more RAM (memory), but that upgrade would cost you $200 or more. There is an easier and less expensive way to boost your PC's performance. 1 Click WinXcelerator is the most advanced memory manager available, and it can proactively monitor your system memory and resources, freeing up RAM and preventing crashes.

Power Tips

Impress Your Friends and Family with your newly acquired PC skills with PC PowerTips. A "Goldmine" power-resource full of hundreds of pages of computer "tips n' tricks! Ruffle through info-packed issue after issue full of screen shots, amazing websites, and most importantly answers to our clients' many, many computer questions. This valuable collection is stuffed full of practical solutions to everyday PC frustrations. Finally you can get the maximum value out of your PC without paying a fortune at the bookstore. Plus, brand new issues will be on their way to your inbox twice a month - so you can stay alert of current PC problems and new technology
